The Beltway Briefing - Return of the Old-School Political Scandal

As an unprecedented winter storm crippled the Lone Star state’s deregulated electrical grid and triggered mass outages - leaving millions trapped without heat for days in freezing homes and putting nearly half of all Texans under a boil-water advisory, Ted Cruz, the junior senator from Texas, made a spectacularly ill-timed decision to leave with his family for a vacation in Cancun in the middle of the energy crisis. Speaking of government blunders, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been trying to contain political fallout from revelations that his administration had concealed the full extent of nursing home-related deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public Strategies’ Howard Schweitzer, Mark Alderman, Patrick Martin, and Stuart Shorenstein discuss the impact of these scandals and whether they seem to indicate the return to old-school, rough-and-tumble, hardball-style politics.

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Mark L. Alderman

Chairman, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(202) 912-4846

Patrick G. Martin

Executive Vice President, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(312) 382-3100

Howard Schweitzer

CEO, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(202) 912-4855

Stuart A. Shorenstein

Managing Director, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies

(212) 883-4923

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