State AG Pulse | The Broad Sweep of State AGs’ Antitrust Authority

Supply chain disruption, rising inflation and a tight employment market have led to an uptick in antitrust scrutiny by both Republican and Democratic AGs. Working alone, in multistates, or in coordination with federal agencies, state AGs are increasingly investigating whether companies are engaged in illegal collusion to capture and maintain market dominance and taking enforcement action to punish this and other anticompetitive behaviors. In Episode 8 of State AG Pulse, Milton Marquis, Jerry Kilgore and Ann-Marie Luciano discuss practical steps companies can take to limit risk and address regulators’ concerns should they find themselves (or anticipate becoming) the target of an antitrust action.

Listen to the podcast here.  

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Jerry W. Kilgore

Co-Chair, State Attorneys General

(804) 762-6916

Ann-Marie Luciano


(202) 471-3420

Milton A. Marquis

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(202) 471-3417

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